Thursday, January 10, 2013

A New Begining

     When Pat first began this blog, I was in formation.  Shortly after sh, her husband became seriously ill.  For the next year her attention rightfully turned to her husbands side as he traveled his personal "Via Dolorosa" until he succumbed to "Sister Death" in July of 2011.  She was the first of my formators and  had a great impact on me as a Secular Franciscan.  Her example of "Perfect Joy"  during her trials and sufferings will be forever ingrained in my memory.  It seemed that no matter what God presented her in the present moment, she was at peace because it was His Will.  I thank God for the gift of my dear friend.  Pat has since left us to be with our Lord.  I will miss her greatly. 

     God never shows us the end, He only expects us to begin.  Pat was first inspired to begin
this blog as a place for dialog for those who were beginning their formation as Secular Franciscans.  When the suggestion was made to collect our on going formation talks for further reflection,  I thought of this blog.  Although I have the ability to post on this blog, I am not the owner and with Pat gone I have no way of reworking this blog to fit the new purpose.  I have begun a new blog with the same name Franciscan Wonderings as a continuation of what our dear Sister Pat began but with a new twist. 

The purpose of the new blog will be to share the monthly formation talks given by the professed members of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina OFS Fraternity with our fellow Franciscans and those who love Saint Francis of Assisi.  Whether you are a professed Franciscan, in the process of formation, or simply someone who loves Saint Francis, I pray that you will find in the words that are contained in the pages of Franciscan Wonderings  inspiration and encouragement to continue your walk in the footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the spirit Saint Francis of Assisi.

Pax et Bonum

Maggie Wright, OFS

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