Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome to Franciscan-Wonderings

This month, July 2010, we will be talking about "Through the Secular Franciscan Order," which is found in section 04-01 in Fonck's Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ.
Before we go into the new section, we need to review the activity from last month, which was ask another person or two in the fraternity what impresses him/her the most about the personalities and characteristics of St. Francis and St. Clare, and what traits of Francis and Clare that person would like to imitate. If you would like, we could use this blog as a vehicle for share this activity. Please write back, and let me know what you found out.
Some things to consider while reviewing this unit:

  • The last part of Article 21 actually states the purpose of fraternities: "In these fraternities the brothers and sisters, led by the Spirit, strive for perfect charity in their own secular state. By their profession they pledge themselves to live the Gospel in the manner of St. Francis by means of this rule approved by the Church."

  • Please read pages 04-4 to 04-6 multiple times, and very carefully. Take notes. There is a lot in these 3 pages to consider and reflect upon.

  • Besides the required readings, I would recommend you look at the Papal Quotations, which start on 04-9.

  • I really love G. K. Chesterson's quote on 04-14 -- awesome thought beautifully expressed.

  • Group sharing question to consider: #8 (04-17): We will share on Saturday.

  • Individual Study -- Continue reading biography of St. Francis/St. Clare.

That's it for now!! Please write me with your impressions. Bye for now.


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